Automation Testing is the process of software verification, when the main functions and test steps, such as start, initialization, execution, analysis, and reporting, are performed with the help of test automation tools.
This type of testing is the best variant for verification of complex products or separate functional blocks of big projects, but it cannot be used in the active development phase when critical changes are made to a product.
The HireTester team offers automation testing for web applications. Depending on the product structure and requirements, we not only help to choose the right type of testing but also determine whether automation is needed.
How It Works
Project documentation analysis, application review, test tools and technologies selection.
Requirements analysis
Manual testing, test cases and test scenarios development.
Test cases and test scenarios discussion, your approval receiving.
Scripts development
Scripts development on the basis of test cases.
Tests running and results delivery.
You get the source project, all test cases, and automation scripts with instructions. It allows running a set of tests locally and changing them according to product improvements.
To save your time, we can also provide further support of scripts on our side.
Tools and Technologies We Use for Automation Testing

Java and Python for scripts development.

Selenium WebDriver for interaction with browsers.

Testing frameworks JUnit and TestNG for Java, PUnit and PyDev for Python to develop, group, and run auto-tests.

JBehave and Cucumber for the behavior-driven development we can execute upon the customer’s request.

Allure and Thucydides frameworks for reports generation.
We use such Continuous Integration Tools as Jenkins, CircleCI, Travis CI.
Continuous Integration
You can also try out the advantages of Continuous Integration with the HireTester Team. We set up the environment that automatically integrates all project parts and runs tests per conditions that meet your requirements.
It allows easily adjust the whole testing process, timely detect and fix bugs or failures. You save time and money getting a bug-free product.